How to Build a Simple Website

Donna French
2 min readSep 29, 2021
Photo by on Unsplash

I’ve been building websites for 20+ years and the number of times I’ve been asked how to build one or how much it costs is phenomenal. With that said, the answer is similar to building a house — it all completely depends on what exactly you want.

The 10,000 feet view includes:

  • Choose and purchase a domain name (
  • Purchase hosting (the server space where your website will be stored in order to be available on the Internet)
  • Build the website (or have someone build it for you)

There are so many other details but for now, let’s just keep it simple.

I believe Medium could be a good tool to get some help out to those that are willing to do the work themselves — whether out of being an adventurous learner or out of need because you are directing your cash toward other parts of getting things off the ground.

Either way you cut it, I’m willing to write up some posts here with free files and step-by-step directions to get you going.

If you’re interested, leave a comment or give this article a few claps.

Once I see that there is some interest on this I’ll get started!

Update 10/21/2021: Check out Part 1 to get started on your website!



Donna French

Computer nerd, Introvert, entrepreneur, Mimi to 5 that moved to BFE and writes about cyber security and other random thoughts.