Finding Space for Me

As an introvert raising 3 young grandchildren

Donna French
3 min readApr 22, 2022
Hiker on a background of mountaintops — peaceful
Photo by Colton Duke on Unsplash

In one of my most recent articles, I wrote about things that have really helped my grandchildren that I am raising for the time being.

Now that I have left a big whirlwind career and moved to the country there are a few tidbits to share with you that have made me A LOT less suicidal/homicidal.

The move to the country was spurred by loads of stress, and by my dad passing away in September of last year and leaving me his home.

It has brought about its own stressors because of all that needs to be done to the home. But the peace and freedom that I am experiencing in my life now is absolutely priceless.

Here are the top 3 that save lives daily:

1) My morning routine

I know, I know…there are zillions upon zillions of articles pushing us all to join them in their perfect morning routine that they have created.

Here’s the deal — they’re right.

The biggie on it is to find YOURS. It may be a 2 minute ritual, or a two hour one. It does NOT matter what it looks like. Find yours and live by it.

I promise it will change your life for the better.



Donna French

Computer nerd, Introvert, entrepreneur, Mimi to 5 that moved to BFE and writes about cyber security and other random thoughts.